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Survey Shows Inputs from Lupus Patients Help Improve Quality of Life

Bradley DiTeresi

· Lupus Patients
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Bradley DiTeresi serves as a partner at Peru-based real estate development company Casas Hof Constructora e Inmobiliaria. A faithful Catholic and an active community volunteer, Bradley DiTeresi makes frequent donations to the Lupus Foundation of America.

In partnership with Eli Lilly and Company, the Lupus Foundation of America conducted the “Patient Experiences, Satisfaction, and Expectations with Current Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Treatment: Results of the SLE-UPDATE Survey.” It follows up on the 2014 version that looked into the burdens of SLE to patients and caregivers.

Five hundred lupus patients participated in the SLE-UPDATE. The participants reported fatigue, stiffness of joints, swelling or painful joints, and muscle pain as the most prominent SLE symptoms. Consequently, the participants added that minimizing these symptoms and reducing the frequency and severity of the flares are their top treatment goals.

Lupus Foundation of American president and CEO Stevan W. Gibson said in a statement that the inputs of lupus patients are incredibly important. The input provides guidance and understanding of how lupus symptoms are affecting the quality of life, treatment needs, and future breakthroughs that are necessary to improve disease management.